Thursday, June 9, 2011

UNIS Hanoi Grade 2 Final Blog of the School Year!

Welcome to the Grade 2  blog about Artists.
 This is our last blog of the school year!
We hope you enjoy it.

In the Artist Unit of Inquiry we learned about the different frames in art; there are shocking, cultural, personal and line  & color frames.  Ask us about these very interesting frames. 

We kicked off our last unit at Hanoi's  fine arts museum . Take a look at what we saw...

We enjoyed going to the the museum!

We used the frames to guide us in creating a mask.


Chuc An and Yota
 Which frame do these masks belong to?

On Friday 3rd June Dr. Kirsty (Vet) from Animal Asia Foundation came to receive our donation for the moon bears. At the spring fair we raised 6,411,000 vnd through our activities.
Dr Kirsty thanked us and shared photos on where the money will be used.
Well done to all the grade 2 community on this wonderful action from our Home Sweet Home unit.


 We also created narratives on! Ask us for our username and password, so you can read our story.

click here
If you want to continue writing stories on your own, please create your own storybird account
by following these instuctions

First click storybird

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Then write your own story!!!!

"We would like to say good bye and  good luck to Mrs. Karen, Mrs. Natalie,  Zoe, Declan, Valerie, Ben, Mike, Vardaan, Elenor, Emma, Jacob, Yana, Fiona , Sophia, Savio and Mrs. Dena.
We hope you have a great time in your new country. We hope you enjoy your new home and country. We liked playing and learning with you. We hope you make nice friends," said Grade 2.

Good bye everybody good bye!
 Yana, Valerie and Fiona were absent from school the day this photo was taken, but they were there in spirit.

Good Bye Mrs. Natile & Mrs. Karen!

Have a safe and happy summer holiday.

Grade 2

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Science Fair!!!!

Grade 2 will have a science fair on Thursday April 28th, 20ll, 9:30-10:30 am.

April 2011

Welcome to  the Grade 2 UNIS Hanoi blog!

Zoom Zoom and a way we went, like a rocket ship.  The Transport unit of iquiry (UOI) was fantastic we learned so much about how things change over time, like different modes of transportation. Did you know the first bicycle was called a hobby horse?  It didn't even have pedals!

We began with a transptort expo. We saw many different types of transportation, we even were able to test drive a variety of vehicles. We learned that there are so many ways people are able to get from place to place. From the expo we began our learning journey.
Find out where we went and what we did.....


In literacy we read books  that informed us about transportation. While reading we identfied the keywords and then we crafted our own sentences using those keywords. Then we organized our writing and crreated reports about a  form of transport we chose.   Through out UOI we were able to learn how to write  important parts of a report and we became experts on the transport we chose.

In math we continued  to practice addition with regrouping.  We learned how to subtract, by making and solving subtraction word problems. We took class surveys and used the data to make graphs.  

Check out what we did!

Jun Sik Wrote a detailed conclusion about what he learned.
page 2

page 3

Take a look at Yana's conlcusion.

Read what Oscar learned about Viking ships.
In 2 KD the students worked on writing their reports.

Bao Chau and Savio are looking for keywords to help write their report.
Raihan, Alex and Gia Linh are researching the mode of transportation they chose for their reports. 

Basil and Raihan are using De Bono's 6 Hats to help write their reports

 Read some pages from their reports.

 Raihan here
Bao Chau here

See what some of the kids in 2LN have been up to.

Read Shen Ern's SLC reflection here

Thao and Zoe researched information about boats, she identified key words and put them in their own words. Read how they explained how transport has changed over time. 

Read a part of Zoe's transport report here   


Click here to read what Thao wrote about transport.

See what Yuki did in math.  Yuki showed how well he can subtract and check His answer in this math assessment. Click here!

Let's what 2NW have been working on.

Have a look at Kalinda's diagram of a bicycle.

Read what Julian and Joaquine said about the PAC! 2NW used De Bono's 6 thinking hats to write their refelctions about the PAC.

Joaquin's PAC Reflection

Julianne's PAC Reflection

Here are excerpts from Cooper and Jacobs reports.

Cooper's diagram of a surf board and a jet ski.

Jacob's definition of a boat.
Friday April 8th is Marius' last day of school.
 We all wish you the best of luck in your new school and we will miss you very much.

Last but certainily not least!

Grade 2 EAL!

We worked hard on creating a reports in power point.  Using power point helped us to write and remember the important parts of a  report.  We also practiced writing sentences using keywords from the books we read about our transport. We also learned how to construct  sentences using adjectives, nouns and verbs the right way.

Take a look at our power point presentations.
Have look at Ji Yun's report. Click here.

Have look here at Alexander's report.

See what  Su Hyun wrote about bikes here.

Read what Bo learned about airplanes here

Up Next is "What's the Matter?"


Outcome Statements for "What's the Matter?"Unit of Inquiry

Title: What’s the Matter!

Transdisciplinary theme: How the world works.

Central Idea

Matter exists in many forms and can be changed

What key questions will drive these inquiries?

• What is matter?

• In what forms do we find matter?

• What are the properties of matter?

• Why does matter change?

Lines of Inquiry

• What is matter

• What forms can matter exist in

• How matter can be changed


1. Number Fractions


• Use manipulatives to model and compare fractions

• Represent fractions using fractional notation: halves, thirds, quarters, fifths

• Understand and model the concept of equivalence to 1: two halves=1, three thirds=1, five fifths=1

2. Introduction of multiplication and division

• Explore multiplication and division using “ groups of” and “ sharing”

• Model with manipulatives multiplication and division

• Understand the relationship between multiplication and division

• Know their facts for 2, 5 and 10‟s multiplication tables

• Understand and use number patterns to solve problems


Reading and writing narratives and the scientific process

Major teaching emphasis


• Discuss how and why facts, characters, people or events are presented in a particular way by the author and illustrator

• Discuss how texts are written for different purposes and audiences.

• Model self reflection of strategies used in reading and encourage students to do the same.

• Teach the use of conventions of print



• Continue to expose students to a range of text forms, and discuss the features of each.

• Foster students’ sense of ‘personal voice’ and individual writing style.


• Discuss the purposes and audience of a range of text forms.

• Continue to discuss some of the decisions writers make when composing texts, and provide opportunities for students to do the same.

• Encourage students to make choices about how to represent characters and events when composing literary texts.


• Provide opportunities for students to develop, refine and use new vocabulary

• Continue to teach the use of punctuation, e.g. commas.

• Continue to build knowledge of different text forms, emphasizing:

- purpose, e.g. reports describe

- text structure, e.g. reports list details

- text organization, e.g. reports use headings

- language features, e.g. reports use present tense.


• Teach students to plan for writing in a variety of ways, e.g. brainstorming, classifying.

• Teach students how to use proofreading and editing to refine their writing.

• Continue to model a variety of publishing alternatives, highlighting purposes and audience.